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Hard water contributes to a myriad of problems for homeowners. Water coming into your home harbors various minerals that get deposited in your pipes, appliances, and even on your skin. Buildup in your pipes can lead to damage, resulting in costly repairs. You may also notice less efficiency with appliances such as the washing machine and dishwasher. Minerals on your faucets and showerheads can also cause reduced water flow. Install a water softener immediately on a new home in a hard water area to prevent irreversible damage.
As water moves through the earth, minerals from the air and soil leach into it. These minerals then move into your plumbing. As a minimum, you can expect calcium and magnesium to show up without a water softener. In some geographical areas, you may also notice iron, zinc, barium, and aluminum. You may also notice a higher concentration of minerals in different areas. You can have your water tested to find out what type of problems you may deal with in your home.
Once hard water gets into your home, deposits begin to settle in the pipes. Over time, the minerals build up in the pipes, restricting water flow and causing clogs. When hard water combines with soap residue, it hardens and can cause a solid clog in the pipes. Once you have a complete clog, contaminated water can back up into your home. Small breaks in your pipes can also contribute to leaks in the walls and under your home. You can experience flooded floors, ruined walls, and mold growth. Repair costs can include mold remediation, new pipes, new flooring, and sheetrock repair.
Many of the minerals in hard water go all the way to your sink and shower faucets. You may notice discoloration in your bathtub, shower, and sink. Rust-colored stains on the surface of these areas become difficult to remove, making your home constantly appear dirty. In severe cases, you may need to completely resurface or replace the sinks, tubs, and tiles.
You may begin to notice limited water flow when you wash your hands or take a shower. If you look at the showerhead or faucet, you may see the buildup of minerals blocking the water. Many homeowners discover they must clean or replace showerheads often if they have hard water. The filters in your faucets may also become clogged regularly. Hard water can cause homeowners to spend money on new shower fixtures, faucets, and tiles.
Most homeowners have several expensive appliances in the home that use water. These usually include the washing machine, dishwasher, and refrigerator water dispenser. Hard water can easily ruin clothes by wearing out the fabrics and staining them. As water flows through your washing machine, minerals build up inside. You may need to replace your washing machine prematurely if water ceases to flow properly through it. The buildup also restricts water flow to the fridge and dishwasher, eventually ruining the interior piping. Appliances often need frequent repairs and replacement when a home does not have a water softener.
Hard water causes irritation of the skin and scalp for many people. If you suddenly move to a home with hard water, you may notice itchy skin and rashes. If these effects become severe, you may visit the doctor for relief, resulting in unnecessary medical bills. The resulting dry skin and hair can also cause you to spend more money on lotions and conditioning treatments.
Homeowners spend money needlessly when they have hard water. The cost of new appliances, hardware, and repairs usually exceeds the cost of installing a water softener. Take the time to have your water tested before your home becomes damaged. Prevention of hard water damage may save you hundreds of pounds.
Contact Pure Choice water treatment experts for a Quote on a water softener today: 0800 068 1857.
Or Arrange a Visit to have your water tested for hardness.