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Cosmetic products aimed at moisturizing dry, flaky skin are always big sellers. However, no one really discusses one of the least known but common causes of dry skin -- hard water.
Water is "hard" when it contains high levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These can dry out the skin and cause itching. While topical products can ease the problem temporarily, a more permanent solution is installing a water softener in your home.
Showering, bathing, and washing your hands constantly with hard water exposes your skin and hair to high mineral content. The result is often drier skin that can become itchy or irritated. Hard water can also dull your hair and reduce the longevity of colouring.
It not only does this to the skin but can also dull the colour of fabrics, stain dishes, and shorten the life of your favorite appliances by causing minerals to build up over time. Many households live with these problems, unaware that hard water is causing them.
The best way to find out is to have a professional visit your home and test the water for hardness. This will help determine the kind of water filter system you need. Taking your property's age, plumbing, and water hardness into consideration, you could choose a partial installation, such as water softener tap systems, or a more extensive option.
A water softener system can then reduce the minerals in your water to an acceptable level. Depending on the system installed, it might not be long before you see changes in your skin, hair, soap lather, cleanliness of dishes, and the colours in your fabrics.
Dry, itchy skin is not always caused by what people assume. If it's a constant problem, you might want to have your water tested for hardness and have a water softener installed by a professional to deal with it for good.