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  • Should You Purchase a Water Softener and Filter System Together? 

    Should You Purchase a Water Softener and Filter System Together? 

    Water Softeners And Water Filters Many homeowners turn to a water softener to correct problems caused by hard water, which is water containing a high mineral content, primarily composed of calcium and magnesium ions. The source of these minerals is typically the underlying rock...

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  • Recent Successful Water Softener Installation in Clevedon

    Recent Successful Water Softener Installation in Clevedon

    Our team have recently been asked to visit a lovely family in Clevedon, as their beautiful home was being ruined by the very high level of water hardness in the area, with the bathrooms and kitchen being very hard to keep clean....

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  • How to Match Water Softener System Capacity with Your Water Consumption

    How to Match Water Softener System Capacity with Your Water Consumption

    Effectively matching a water softener system to your household's water consumption is not just a matter of convenience, but a necessity for achieving optimal efficiency, ensuring the system's longevity, and maintaining cost-effectiveness. By carefully considering factors, such as the hardness level of your...

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  • How Water Softeners Can Make Water Safer for Your Kids

    How Water Softeners Can Make Water Safer for Your Kids

    Before water softeners, many households had no effective way of controlling the amount of minerals in their water. This meant that the water running through a home could contain high amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other chemicals that could potentially have adverse effects on home...

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  • Does Your Water Softener Need Salt?

    Does Your Water Softener Need Salt?

    What Does a Water Softener Do? A water softener is a crucial piece of household technology. It reduces the amount of hard minerals introduced into a home's plumbing system, which helps prevent soap scum streaks, scale buildup on appliances, and other problems associated with...

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  • Benefits of Water Softening

    Benefits of Water Softening

    A water softener is a good addition to your home for many reasons. But what do we mean when we use the terms "soft water" and "hard water?" Understanding the difference can help you save money, create less wear and tear on plumbing systems, and...

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  • 3 Reasons to Choose Drinking Water Filters Over Bottled Water

    3 Reasons to Choose Drinking Water Filters Over Bottled Water

    Bottled Water vs Filtered Tap Water Bottled water is a convenience we take for granted. It is so easy to buy chilled bottles of mineral water and stock up our fridges. It is also more appealing than drinking hard water straight from the tap. However,...

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  • Understanding Water Softeners

    Understanding Water Softeners

    Water softeners are designed to prevent issues caused by hard water. Hard water contains high levels of dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium. When hard water is heated or evaporated, these minerals form a stubborn layer of scale that forms on surfaces, pipes, and...

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  • Is Your Water Hard, And Why You Should Care

    Is Your Water Hard, And Why You Should Care

    Do your clothes generally look dull despite using a decent detergent? Do you have limescale stains in your kitchen and bathroom? Do your appliances break down because of limescale deposits? Does your skin feel drier or itch more than it used to?...

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  • Do I Need a Home Water Filtration System?

    Do I Need a Home Water Filtration System?

    Clean water is vital for daily living. We need it for cooking, drinking and bathing. It also plays an important role in our health and overall well-being. Water treatment plants are designed to remove contaminants and protect our drinking water. However, sometimes chemicals are added...

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