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06 Apr 2019
Hard water is water that contains certain minerals. These minerals in hard water create scale that forms inside your clean water pipes, wastewater pipes, and all your appliances that use water. The mineral components in hard water also mix differently with soaps when compared to...
25 Mar 2019
Common advice tells us to drink water after exercising to avoid cramps. Now, research by scientists at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia have debunked the habit as an old wives' tale, saying drinking water after exercise could actually make you more likely to suffer...
21 Mar 2019
Installing a water treatment system in your home is not only a long-term solution to bad quality water, but it can also save you money and help reduce the amount of plastic waste you generate. Water is good for you. In...
20 Feb 2019
When setting up a new water treatment system, you will need to decide whether you want a point of entry or point of use water filter system. The best choice for you will come down to the unique benefits and drawbacks of each option. Point...
23 Nov 2018
The upgrades to the Compton Durville Water Treatment Centre have been completed and homes/business in the affected area have been starting to receive supply from the centre this week. This is great news for improved water quality and a more sustainable and reliable supply...
19 Nov 2018
Rain falling from the sky comes down naturally as soft water. It's only when that clean, pure rain filters through the ground that it picks up minerals like calcium, magnesium, lime, and even chalk before arriving in the public water supply. Through a simple...
16 Mar 2018
Crystal clear, pure, delicious water serves many purposes in life. From bathing and cleaning to cooking and drinking, not a day goes by without constant interactions with this precious and fundamental necessity. When traveling, people often pay close mind to the area and consider drinking...
31 May 2017
The Problem is Obvious Hard water in your home is responsible for: Clogging your plumbing with scale build up resulting in inefficient heating (costly bills) and reduced water flow Damaging your household appliances like washing machines ans kettles causing them to require repair and servicing...
31 May 2017
Water softeners : reviews for the UK Questions that often asked: Water softeners – Which are the best water softeners? What water softener should I fit? How much should I pay for the correct water softener? Confused which water softener to buy? These are just a...
31 May 2017
Softened water in my boiler, will this cause a problem? – In short NO! – It will help. Recent research supports that softened water (base-exchange) WILL NOT typically be detrimental to a boiler heat exchanger. Indeed Veissmann boilers actually ask for...